
class dageo.reservoir_simulator.Simulator(nx, ny, phi=0.2, c_f=1e-05, p0=1.0, rho0=1.0, mu_w=1.0, rw=0.15, pres_ini=150.0, wells=None, dx=50.0, dz=10.0)[source]#

Bases: object

A small 2D Reservoir Simulator.

2D connection-based, single-phase, single-component system using the Darcy assumption, employing backward Euler for time discretization and finite volume for space discretization. It simulates a single-phase fluid (likely water) with compressibility in a reservoir with constant porosity and a heterogeneous permeability field. The simulator utilizes SciPy’s sparse.linalg.solve for pressure solutions and calculates transmissibilities for inter-block connections. Well modeling is handled through the Peaceman well model for well indices, with constant pressure boundary conditions for injection and production wells. The simulation operates on a 2D grid with user-defined dimensions (nx, ny), uses flexible time steps, and starts from a specified initial pressure condition. Physical processes accounted for include fluid density changes with pressure (modeling a slightly compressible fluid) while assuming constant fluid viscosity.”

Created by following the course AESM304A - Flow and Simulation of Subsurface processes at Delft University of Technology (TUD); this particular part was taught by Dr. D.V. Voskov,

nx, nyint

Dimension of field (number of cells).

phifloat, default: 0.2

Porosity (-).

c_ffloat, default: 1e-5

Formation compressibility (1/kPa).

p0float, default: 1.0

Zero pressure (bar).

rho0float, default: 1.0

Fixed density (kg/m3).

mu_wfloat, default: 1.0

Viscosity (cP).

rwfloat, default: 0.15

Well radius (m).

pres_inifloat, default: 150.0

Initial well pressure (bar).

wells{ndarray, None}, default: None

Nd array of shape (nwells, 3), indicating well locations (with cell indices) and pressure. If None, the default is used, which is

np.array([[0, 0, 180], [self.nx-1, self.ny-1, 120]])

corresponding to a well in the first and in the last cell, with a pressure of 180 and 120, respectively.

dx, dzfloats, default: 50.0, 10.0

Cell dimensions in horizontal (dx) and vertical (dz) directions (m).

Methods Summary

__call__(perm_fields[, dt, data])

Run simulator.

solve(pressure, dt)

Construct & solve K-matrix for the simulation of pressure over time.

Methods Documentation

__call__(perm_fields, dt=array([0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001]), data=False)[source]#

Run simulator.

Run the simulation across multiple time steps and possibly multiple permeability scenarios.


Permeability fields (mD) to simulate, either of dimension (ne, nx, ny), or of dimension (nx, ny).

dtndarray, default: np.ones(10)*0.0001

Time steps to use for simulation (days).

data{False, [ndarray, ndarray]}, default: False

Specific indices [nx, ny] to output data for; if False, return all data


Simulation results over time for given permeability fields.

solve(pressure, dt)[source]#

Construct & solve K-matrix for the simulation of pressure over time.


Current pressure state of the reservoir of size self.size.


Time step for the simulation (days).


Pressure state after applying the time step, of size self.size.