.. _resmda-manual: #################### resmda Documentation #################### :Release: |version| :Date: |today| :Source: `github.com/tuda-geo/resmda `_ ---- .. toctree:: :hidden: manual/index gallery/index api/index .. grid:: 1 1 3 3 :gutter: 2 .. grid-item-card:: :fa:`book;fa-4x` User Guide ^^^^^^^^^^ The manual contains installation instructions, some background theory, important references, license information, and more. +++ .. button-ref:: manual :expand: :color: info :click-parent: To the user guide .. grid-item-card:: :fa:`image;fa-4x` Gallery ^^^^^^^ The gallery contains examples on the usage of resmda, and is generally the best way to get started. Download them and modify them to your needs! +++ .. button-ref:: resmda_gallery :expand: :color: info :click-parent: To the gallery .. grid-item-card:: :fa:`code;fa-4x` API reference ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The API reference of resmda includes almost every function and class. Some of the underlying theory is also described in the docstrings. +++ .. button-ref:: api :expand: :color: info :click-parent: To the API reference