
resmda.data_assimilation.esmda(model_prior, forward, data_obs, sigma, alphas=4, data_prior=None, localization_matrix=None, callback_post=None, return_post_data=True, return_steps=False, random=None)[source]#

ES-MDA algorithm ([EmRe13]) with optional localization.

Consult the section ES-MDA in the manual for the theory and more information about ES-MDA.


Prior models of dimension (ne, ...), where ne is the number of ensembles.


Forward model that takes an ndarray of the shape of the prior models (ne, ...), and returns a ndarray of the shape of the prior data (ne, nd); ne is the number of ensembles, nd the number of data.


Observed data of shape (nd).

sigma{float, ndarray}

Standard deviation(s) of the observation noise.

alphas{int, array-like}, default: 4

Inflation factors for ES-MDA.

data_priorndarray, default: None

Prior data ensemble, of shape (ne, nd).

callback_postfunction, default: None

Function to be executed after each ES-MDA iteration to the posterior model, callback_post(model_post).

return_post_databool, default: True

If true, returns also forward(model_post).

return_stepsbool, default: False

If true, returns model and data of all ES-MDA steps. Setting return_steps to True enforces return_post_data=True.

random{None, int, np.random.Generator}, default: None

Seed or random generator for reproducibility; see resmda.utils.rng.

localization_matrix{ndarray, None}, default: None

If provided, apply localization to the Kalman gain matrix, of shape (model-shape, nd).


Posterior model ensemble.

data_postndarray, only returned if return_post_data=True

Posterior simulated data ensemble.