Linear and non-linear ESMDA examples#

A basic example of ESMDA using a simple 1D equation.

Geir Evensen gave a talk on Properties of Iterative Ensemble Smoothers and Strategies for Conditioning on Production Data at the IPAM in May 2017.

Here we reproduce the examples he showed on pages 34 and 38. The material can be found at:

Geir gives the ESMDA equations as

\[\begin{split}x_{j,i+1} &= x_{j,i} + (C^e_{xy})_i \left((C^e_{yy})_i + \alpha_iC^e_{dd}\right)^{-1} \left(d + \sqrt{\alpha_i} \varepsilon_j - g(x_{j,i})\right) \ , \\ y_{j,i+1} &= g(x_{j,i+1}) \ .\end{split}\]

The model used for this example is

\[y = x(1+\beta x^2) \ ,\]

which is a linear model if \(\beta=0\).

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

import dageo

Forward model#

def forward(x, beta):
    """Simple model: y = x (1 + β x²) (linear if beta=0)."""
    return np.atleast_1d(x * (1 + beta * x**2))

fig, axs = plt.subplots(
        1, 2, figsize=(8, 3), sharex=True, constrained_layout=True)
fig.suptitle("Forward Model:  y = x (1 + β x²)")
px = np.linspace(-5, 5, 301)
for i, b in enumerate([0.0, 0.2]):
            f"{['Linear model', 'Nonlinear model'][i]}: β = {b}")
    axs[i].plot(px, forward(px, b))
Forward Model:  y = x (1 + β x²), Linear model: β = 0.0, Nonlinear model: β = 0.2

Plotting functions#

def pseudopdf(data, bins=200, density=True, **kwargs):
    """Return the pdf from a simple bin count.

    If the data contains a lot of samples, this should be "smooth" enough - and
    much faster than estimating the pdf using, e.g.,
    x, y = np.histogram(data, bins=bins, density=density, **kwargs)
    return (y[:-1]+y[1:])/2, x

def plot_result(mpost, dpost, dobs, title, ylim):
    """Wrapper to use the same plotting for the linear and non-linear case."""

    fig, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(
            1, 2, figsize=(10, 4), sharey=True, constrained_layout=True)

    # Plot Likelihood
        *pseudopdf(dageo.rng.normal(dobs, size=(ne, dobs.size))),
        'C2', lw=2, label='Datum'

    # Plot steps
    na = mpost.shape[0]-1
    for i in range(na+1):
        params = {
            'color': 'C0' if i == na else 'C3',    # Last blue, rest red
            'lw': 2 if i in [0, na] else 1,        # First/last thick
            'alpha': 1 if i in [0, na] else i/na,  # start faint
            'label': ['Initial', *((na-2)*('',)), 'MDA steps', 'MDA'][i],
        ax1.plot(*pseudopdf(mpost[i, :, 0], range=(-3, 5)), **params)
        ax2.plot(*pseudopdf(dpost[i, :, 0], range=(-5, 8)), **params)

    # Axis and labels
    ax1.set_title('Model Parameter Domain')
    ax1.set_xlim([-3, 5])
    ax2.set_title('Data Domain')
    ax2.set_xlim([-5, 8])

Linear case#

Prior model parameters and ESMDA parameters#

In reality, the prior would be \(j\) models provided by, e.g., the geologists. Here we create $j$ realizations using a normal distribution of a defined mean and standard deviation.

# Point of our "observation"
xlocation = -1.0

# Ensemble size
ne = int(1e7)

# Data standard deviation: ones (for this scenario)
obs_std = 1.0

# Prior: Let's start with ones as our prior guess
mprior = dageo.rng.normal(loc=1.0, scale=obs_std, size=(ne, 1))

Run ESMDA and plot#

def lin_fwd(x):
    """Linear forward model."""
    return forward(x, beta=0.0)

# Sample an "observation".
l_dobs = lin_fwd(xlocation)

lm_post, ld_post = dageo.esmda(
    return_steps=True,  # To get intermediate results
ESMDA step   1; α=10.0
ESMDA step   2; α=10.0
ESMDA step   3; α=10.0
ESMDA step   4; α=10.0
ESMDA step   5; α=10.0
ESMDA step   6; α=10.0
ESMDA step   7; α=10.0
ESMDA step   8; α=10.0
ESMDA step   9; α=10.0
ESMDA step  10; α=10.0
plot_result(lm_post, ld_post, l_dobs, title='Linear Case', ylim=[0, 0.6])
Linear Case, Model Parameter Domain, Data Domain

Original figure from Geir’s presentation#


Nonlinear case#

def nonlin_fwd(x):
    """Nonlinear forward model."""
    return forward(x, beta=0.2)

# Sample a nonlinear observation; the rest of the parameters remains the same.
n_dobs = nonlin_fwd(xlocation)
nm_post, nd_post = dageo.esmda(
ESMDA step   1; α=10.0
ESMDA step   2; α=10.0
ESMDA step   3; α=10.0
ESMDA step   4; α=10.0
ESMDA step   5; α=10.0
ESMDA step   6; α=10.0
ESMDA step   7; α=10.0
ESMDA step   8; α=10.0
ESMDA step   9; α=10.0
ESMDA step  10; α=10.0
plot_result(nm_post, nd_post, n_dobs, title='Nonlinear Case', ylim=[0, 0.7])
Nonlinear Case, Model Parameter Domain, Data Domain

Original figure from Geir’s presentation#

Fri Feb 14 07:58:01 2025 UTC
OS Linux (Ubuntu 24.04) CPU(s) 4 Machine x86_64
Architecture 64bit RAM 15.6 GiB Environment Python
File system ext4
Python 3.12.9 (main, Feb 5 2025, 03:22:31) [GCC 13.3.0]
dageo 1.1.1 numpy 2.2.3 scipy 1.15.1
matplotlib 3.10.0 IPython 8.32.0

Total running time of the script: (0 minutes 12.302 seconds)

Estimated memory usage: 4180 MB

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